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At Room to Bloom Preschool we incorporate several approaches to learning into our curriculum (such as Waldorf and inquiry-based learning), with Reggio being the most influential. 


Specific Programs that we utilize are: Happy Roots and Get Set for School.


Fun, play-based learning experiences are the foundation of our program. Play truly is the work of childhood and a great deal of learning occurs while children are interacting with materials, nature and each other! 


Learning Standards

Our curriculum also aligns with the Colorado Early Learning & Development Guidelines (ELDG). Below you will find an excerpt from their website describing the goals of the guidelines.


1. Ongoing nurturing relationships that provide the basis for physical and emotional well-being. 


2. Physical protection, safety, and regulation for children’s security. 


3. Tailored experiences to individual differences so that children have choices and are respectful of others’ choices. 

4. Developmentally appropriate experiences that build children’s skills.


5. Limit setting, structure, and expectations that provide a secure environment. 


6. Stable, supportive communities and cultural continuity. 


Our program offers all of these things (and more) which is why our students thrive!


Outline of Our Day

  • During group learning time we work on developing focus, patience and collaboration.


  • Individualized learning time (one on one) occurs each day. We spend about 5-10 minutes focusing on specific goals based on the developmental level and ability of each student. 


  • Independent discovery time involves children choosing between 4-5 different learning activities and interest centers. These options foster physical, emotional, cognitive and social growth and are based on real life, meaningful concepts.


  • Yoga, all-natural/organic cooking and nature exploration are also very important parts of our program. We use every opportunity to weave these health-promoting activities into our daily routine!





  • There are numerous benefits to enrolling your child in a home-based preschool program. Below you will find just a few examples!


  • Low teacher to child ratio (1:8) with a maximum of eight preschoolers at a time


  • NO staff turn over. The staff turn over rate in child care and preschool programs is notoriously high. Your child will have one caring and supportive teacher through out their time spent at Room to Bloom Preschool!


  • Lower incidences of illness due to smaller class sizes, frequent hand washing, and very frequent classroom cleaning


  • Your child will enjoy lots of one on one time and an individualized curriculum plan each day.

Social & Emotional Learning

Our program places a huge emphasis on social and emotional growth!  We help children learn how to resolve conflicts, build friendships and express themselves-all skills necessary to succeed in kindergarten and life in general! To promote the social and emotional growth of children we use positive and supportive strategies that teach them how to:


  • Enter into group play situations

  • Express their wants and needs using words

  • Explore the concepts of sympathy and empathy

  • Treat peers and teachers respectfully

  • Calm their minds and bodies down when they have big emotions (self regulation and expression)

Eco-Friendly Environment

Simply put, being an eco-friendly preschool means we do our very best to take care of our earth and ourselves!


Organic Foods

  • Our snacks are comprised of fresh, healthy, energizing foods! Our fruits and vegetables are 100% organic and the rest of our food is all natural or organic as well. Children enjoy balanced snacks and we typically avoid the use of meat products.

  • Eating organically means that children are avoiding the ingestion of harmful pesticides, heavy metals, synthetic hormones and antibiotics. Organic foods have also been proven to have higher antioxidant levels, and more healthy fats such as omega-3.



  • We plant, tend to, and harvest an organic garden each year.

  • Children also bring the outdoors in during colder months so we have practice taking care of living things all throughout the year.


A Greener Classroom

  • We also use CFL light bulbs and utilize as much natural light as possible to avoid the unnecessary use of energy.

  • We limit the excessive use of carpeting which can contain volatile organic compounds that are potentially carcinogenic.

  • Many of our learning materials are brought in from nature or are composed of natural materials. There is so much value in bringing relevant, real life, and natural items into the classroom!



  • If it CAN be recycled, we WILL recycle it! We also teach the importance of recycling as we “upcycle” materials in our projects. This exposes children to tangible experiences surrounding the benefits of recycling.


Organic Products

  • Our cleaning products, soaps and sunscreens are plant based and contain no dyes, parabens, phosphates or phthalates.




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